A wise person once said…”if you really want financial freedom, you will find a way, not an excuse” Well done on finding a way and not an excuse.
Where do I start?
Click here to open an equity trading account.
You will complete the application form online and send your FICA documents: eg
PS. Your documents don't have to be certified.
Please use the link above when you open an account with them. We don’t get anything yet but we hope to one day get brownie points for having referred you to them.
Don't worry I won't see any details on your account.
The prices you will see on the platform will be 15 minutes delayed but when you press that BUY or SELL button your trade gets done on the live prices at the JSE.
EasyEquities are part of the Purple Group (PPE) that is a listed company on the JSE (Johannesburg Stock Exchange).
Once you open an account you would automatically get a demo account where you can play with fake money and you also get a TFSA (tax free savings account).
Step 2 is to subscribe to me so I can teach you how to select the right shares.
See you soon.
Make the first investment in your teaching!
50% Complete
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